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Table 2 Relationship Between NPT Components/Items and Interview Guide Questions

From: Normalizing inconvenience to promote childhood vaccination: a qualitative implementation evaluation of a novel Michigan program

Component or Item

Interview Guide Question*

Intervention Background

•It would be helpful for me if you could please describe the education session. Probe:

 Is it in-person?

 Is it one-on-one or in a group?

 Are they held during the day, in the evenings, or on weekends?

 Did you see any individuals that lived outside your county at your sessions?

 What materials are provided?

 How long do the sessions take on average?


•When you think of this policy, who are the stakeholders?

•[See also Collective Action: What are the goals or objectives of the session?]


•What role did the following individuals play in developing your department’s educational session? Probe: What feedback or guidance did you solicit from:

 State officials or state employees

 Officials or staff within your own health department

 Officials or staff at another county health department

 Professional association members

 Schools or school officials

 Health care professionals in the community such as physicians or nurses

 Community members

 Any other groups or individuals not previously mentioned

Collective Action

•What are the goals or objectives of the session?

•Who holds you accountable for these goals or objectives?

Reflexive Monitoring

•What are the parents’ reactions to the sessions? What issues do parents raise, and how did you respond? Did any change their mind and leave without a waiver?

•How did you evaluate the sessions? How did you document success? Probe:

 Staff member debrief

 Attendee survey

 Other feedback from parents

  1. *This is an abridged version of the interview guide. We only included questions or probes relevant to this article. For a full version of the guide, please see Additional File 1