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Table 2 Participant characteristics

From: Capturing the complexity of healthcare for people with Down syndrome in quality indicators - a Delphi study involving healthcare professionals and patient organisations


n = 35

Age (y) [mean (stdev) [range]]

50.5 (9.6) [30–73]

Gender [number (%)]


32 (91.4%)


3 (9.0%)



1 (2.9%)

 Dentist (ID-specialised)

3 (8.6%)


1 (2.9%)

 Dietician (ID-specialised)

2 (5.7%)

 General Practitioner

2 (5.7%)

 ID physician

3 (8.6%)

 Municipal Health Services doctor

1 (2.9%)

 Nurse / coordinating nurse (ID-specialised)

3 (8.6%)

 Occupational therapist

2 (5.7%)


1 (2.9%)


2 (5.7%)


2 (5.7%)

  (child) Physiotherapist

4 (11.4%)

 Psychiatrist (child/youth/adult)

1 (2.9%)


1 (2.9%)


2 (5.7%)

  (child) Rehabilitation physician

1 (2.9%)

 Representative of patient organisation

2 (5.7%)

 Speech therapist

1 (2.9%)

Time working in this profession (y)

  [mean (stdev) [range]]

19.2 (10,2) [0.7–40]

Frequency of contact with people with DS [number (%)]

  (almost) daily

9 (25.7%)


14 (40.0%)


7 (20.0%)


3 (8.6%)


1 (2.9%)

 Less than once a year

1 (2.9%)

  1. Abbreviations: y year(s), stdev standard deviation, ID Intellectual Disability