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Table 1 Paradigms and indicators of scarce drug allocation

From: An application of analytic network process model in supporting decision making to address pharmaceutical shortage

Clusters/ Paradigms

Paradigms definition

Paradigms elements/indicator

Indicator definition/ Operationalization


The ability to avoid wasting resources in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is not possible to make anyone better off without making someone else worse off.

Total population

Population size in a geographical area.

Non-resident patient

Patients are not resident in the place of receipt of health service.

Equity and Access

A mix of equal inputs for equal need and equal access for equal need.

Number of health professionals

Number of general practitioner and specialists working in each province.

Total bed occupancy rate

The number of beds effectively occupied (bed-days) of each province.

Number of prescriptions

The total number of prescriptions filled annually in each province.


What extend a goal could be reached. If a goal cannot be reached, any resource input is wasted.

The measure of effectiveness can be multidimensional.

Burden of diseases

Burden of endemic diseases: The burden of the diseases that always present in a certain population or region.

Burden of special, rare and incurable diseases: In Iran, dialysis patients, thalassemia, hemophilia, cancer, MS, kidney transplant, diabetes and E. B are covered by this group.

Burden of traumatic diseases: Any injury that goes beyond the body’s resilience and leads to lesions in the body is called trauma, which includes accidents, events, falls from heights, and even the psychological and chemical damage.