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Table 1 Characteristics of the included cases

From: Inspecting teams’ and organisations’ expectations regarding external inspections in health care: a qualitative study

Case number


Inspection theme


(N = number of participants in each group interview)


(F = female, M = male)


Primary care

Nutrition for patients in nursing homes

Group 1: inspection team (N = 2)

Head of inspection team (F)

Nurse (F)

Group 2: leaders (N = 6)

Head of municipal health affairs (M)

Head of department being inspected (F)

Head of subsection (M)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head physician (F)

Group 3: clinical staff (N = 6)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Cook (F)


Primary care

Nutrition for patients receiving home care services

Group 4: inspection team (N = 3)

Head of inspection team (F)

Legal advisor (F)

Physician (F)

Group 5: leaders (N = 4)

Head of department being inspected (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Group 6: clinical staff (N = 6)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)


Primary care

Compulsory treatment of somatic disorders in patients with cognitive deficiencies

Group 7: inspection team (N = 3)

Head of inspection team (F)

Legal advisor (F)

Physician (F)

Group 8: leaders (N = 4)

Municipality leader for health affairs (M)

Head of department being inspected (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Group 9: clinical staff (N = 5)

Nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Auxiliary nurse (F)

Physician (M)



Stroke treatment

Group 10: inspection team (N = 2)

Head of inspection team (F)

Physician (F)

Group 11: leaders (N = 8)

Head of medical division in hospital (F)

Quality advisor for division (F)

Head of department being inspected (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (M)

Head of subsection (M)

Head physician (F)

Quality advisor for subsection (F)

Group 12: clinical staff (N = 6)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Occupational therapist (F)

Physician (M)

Physiotherapist (F)



Assessment of suicide risk in specialised psychiatric care

Group 13: inspection team (N = 4)

Head of inspection team (F)

Legal advisor (F)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Group 14: leaders (N = 6)

Head of department being inspected (M)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (F)

Head of subsection (M)

Group 15: clinical staff (N = 3)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (F)

Physician (M)



Assessment of suicide risk in specialised psychiatric care

Group 13: inspection team (N = 4)


Group 16: leaders (N = 2)

Head of department being inspected (M)

Head of subsection (F)

Group 17: clinical staff (N = 5)

Nurse (F)

Nurse (M)

Physiotherapist (F)

Physician (M)

Psychologist (M)