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Table 1 Interview guide for carers

From: Female Pakistani carers’ views on future formal and informal care for their older relatives in Norway





- Can you tell me about yourself? How do you feel about living here?

- How do you usually spend your day?

Warm up questions


- Could you tell me about your caring role? Who do you care for? What age is the person you care for?

- What are your day to day caregiving responsibilities? How do you feel about them?

- How are you involved in decision making regarding health of the older person- Types of decisions made for this older person in the past.

Caregiving responsibilities and experience


- How are other family members involved in Health care?

- Interpreting written materials

- Attend doctors/hospital

- Navigating health system

- Decision Making

Role of other members


- Process of deciding which health care service to use to best meet the needs of the older person and when? Does your relative ever delay help seeking? If so, why?

- Importance of GP/Nurse of Pakistani background

Use of health care


How have you found Norwegian healthcare services?

- Can you tell me about your experience with the GP when you visited with your relative last time?

- Any difference in experience with GP regarding your own health matters as compared to that of your relative’s?

- Do you also act as an interpreter for your relative? What are the challenges in this process?

- Last experience with the GP or/and Hospital? How would you describe the quality of care and treatment that they received?

- How has your experience been of accessing health care services in Pakistan for/with your relative?

Experience and Satisfaction from health care services in Norway and Pakistan


- How does your relative get healthcare information? (If caregiver facilitates access to health care information. Ask further)

- How do you feel about the accessibility of the Norwegian Health care services?

- Difficulties while seeking/accessing health care because of difficulty understanding written and/or spoken information?

Knowledge and Awareness


- Has your relative used professional care services such as nursing homes or home care? If not,: How would you and your relative feel about using it in future?

Perception about professional/formal care


- What suggestions would you make to improve to health care experience of older Pakistani women?

Suggestions for improvement of health care


- Is there anything else you want to add about health or health care that you’ve not had a chance to say yet?
