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Table 3 Key Points for Emergency Services

From: Experience of emergency department use among persons with a history of adverse childhood experiences

1. Most care provided is perceived as excellent by patients.

2. Certain groups experience stigma, and would benefit from a Trauma and Violence Informed Care approach (TVIC). These groups include: people presenting with emotional instability or dysregulation, people with mental health concerns or substance use disorders, and people with chronic pain syndromes, other traditionally stigmatized groups, among others.

3. TVIC requires a whole team approach. All people working in an ED from reception and registration to janitorial staff to nurses and physicians should be trained in the principles of TVIC.

4. TVIC-informed care plans and case coordination should be considered for frequent ED users from equity-seeking groups as this might result in lower ED use.

5. Attention should be paid to the workload and burnout of registration and triage staff who are the front-line workers in ED.