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Table 4 Rate of harmful hospitalization, by patient linguistic group and hospital language*

From: The impact of hospital language on the rate of in-hospital harm. A retrospective cohort study of home care recipients in Ontario, Canada

Hospital Language

Patient Linguistic Group

P value

Anglophone (N = 83,515)

Francophone (N = 16,873)

Allophone (N = 6491)

Overall Harmful Hospitalizations

5255 (6.29%)

1038 (6.15%)

495 (7.63%)

<  0.001

Harmful Hospitalizations by Hospital Language


 English-speaking (N = 147)

3318 (5.96%)

309 (6.75%)

243 (6.50%)


 Bilingual (N = 12)

1937 (6.96%)

729 (5.93%)

252 (9.16%)

<  0.001

P value†

<  0.001


<  0.001

  1. * Bold values denote significance at the 0.05 level
  2. † Proportions of harmful hospitalizations were compared across patient linguistic groups and hospital language using chi-squared tests