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Table 1 Interview Guide

From: ‘Wait and wait, that is the only thing they can say’: a qualitative study exploring experiences of immigrated Syrian doctors applying for medical license in Germany

#1. Process of obtaining a permanent medical license:

Please describe your licensure process in detail.

- Which steps have you taken?

- Which difficulties have you encountered?

- How have you felt during the process, how was your emotional state?

How long did the whole process take?

How would you assess the speed and fairness of the process?

Please describe your interactions with the authorities / organizations which help and guide foreign doctors in the licensure process.

#2. Job application

Please describe how you found your current job. Did an organization or agency (e.g. Jobcenter) support you?

How did you apply for your job? Can you describe differences to your home country?

How long did it take to get hired? How many applications and job interviews did it take before you found a job?

What were your experiences during the job interview?

Did you consider the application process to be fair and transparent?