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Table 1 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics

From: Factors contributing to post-stroke health care utilization and costs, secondary results from the life after stroke (LAST) study


Intervention group (n = 186)

Control group (n = 194)

Predisposing variables

 Age (years), mean (SD)

  y, mean (SD)

71.7 (11.9)

72.3 (11.3)


  ≥ 80 – n (%)

44 (23.7)

53 (27.3)


  Female – n (%)

82 (44.1)

67 (34.5)

Enabling variables

 Living alone – n (%)

56 (30.1)

51 (26.3)

Need variables

 MAS, mean (SD)a

41.8 (6.9)

41.7 (7.4)

 Gait speed mean (SD)a

1.29 (0.55)

1.36 (0.60)

 MMSE, mean (SD)a

27.9 (2.32)

28.0 (2.30)

 HADS, mean (SD)a

6.6 (5.3)

7.2 (6.1)

 Barthel, mean (SD)a

96.3 (7.4)

96.1 (9.2)

 mRS, mean (SD)

1.45 (1.08)

1.44 (1.10)

 EQ-5D-5 L, mean (SD)a

0.83 (0.16)

0.83 (0.17)


 Grand total, mean (SD)

23,126 (30780)

20,412 (32114)

 Grand total ex intervention, mean (SD)

21,646 (32114)


 Hospital, mean (SD)

9453 (16936)

9201 (13199)

Out-patients’, mean (SD)

2325 (3430)

1796 (1829)

In-patients’ day, mean (SD)

203 (609)

214 (866)

In-patients’, mean (SD)

6925 (15413)

7191 (12814)

 Primary care, mean (SD)

9551 (20748)

8491 (23792)

Home care, mean (SD)

6117 (15101)

6054 (18222)

Nursing home, mean (SD)

3434 (12270)

2437 (10970)

 Physiotherapists, mean (SD)

3169 (3366)

1667 (3412)

 Physiotherapists ex intervention, mean (SD)

1689 (3166)


 GP’s, mean (SD)

953 (847)

1053 (947)

  1. aResults from the pooled data. SD Standard Deviation, MAS Motor Assessment Scale, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS A and D), mRS modified Rankin Scale; modified Rankin Scale (mRS), Health Related Quality of Life (EQ-5D-5 L)