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Table 1 Full list of factors influencing target behaviour uncovered from the QES

From: The development of a theory informed behaviour change intervention to improve adherence to dietary and physical activity treatment guidelines in individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH)

List of specific factors influencing target behavioura

Young adults struggle to adhere to dietary guidelines when they leave home as they lack the skills to prepare suitable meals themselves

Individuals learn lifestyle behaviours from their parents

Lifestyle behaviour habits developed in childhood continue into adulthood

Inadequate and/or incorrect knowledge of lifestyle guidelines

Young adults struggle to transition to self-manage condition when they leave home as they lack the knowledge about lifestyle guidelines

Individuals disregard the role of lifestyle guidelines in the management of their FH, especially when receiving medication

Individuals find it hard to adhere to the lifestyle guidelines, engaging in behaviours that are not in line with guidelines

Individuals find it easier to engage in the desired lifestyle behaviours when other family members are engaging in the behaviours too

Parents concerned about health of their child change their behaviours to facilitate the attainment of lifestyle guidelines by the whole family

Individuals find it easier to regulate lifestyle behaviours if they have been engaging in them from a young age as they have become habits

Having practical resources and support to help/guide adherence to lifestyle guidelines

Individuals faced with other life events (such as illnesses, family bereavement and work/school pressures) do not feel they have the time to focus on engaging in lifestyle behaviours

Individuals report not being able to adhere to dietary guidelines due to lack of availability of healthy foods and/or high costs of foods

Individuals find it difficult to adhere to dietary guidelines when in social situations as they don’t want to draw attention to their condition and eat differently from their peers

Lack of confidence in ability to adhere to lifestyle guidelines as they are perceived to be difficult to follow particularly in certain situations e.g. social occasions, when living independently or when faced with other events in life

Individuals do not feel FH poses a great risk to their health

Young people who have not experienced symptoms do not believe that non-adherence with lifestyle guidelines poses risk to their health

Receiving a formal diagnosis of FH motivates individuals to commence or continue to engage with lifestyle behaviours

Being actively involved with setting goals for themselves and their children

Individuals become incentivised to look after their health and engage in lifestyle behaviours when they become responsible for other people e.g. when they become parents

  1. a Lifestyle guidelines and lifestyle behaviours refer to both dietary and physical activity guidelines or behaviours unless specifically stated to refer to dietary or physical activity guidelines or behaviours