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Table 4 Patient themes and direct quotes of specific elements within the booklet. n = 136

From: Transcultural adaption and preliminary evaluation of “understanding low back pain” patient education booklet

Open question


Direct quotes (patient code)


What elements of the booklet were useful for understanding LBP?


Explains for pain

‘I Understand the reason of back pain, so it does not worry me that much anymore.’(242)


General knowledge of LBP

‘The information from all aspects.’ (15)


Knowledge on what is normal and typical

‘Also, the explanation of pain and its commonness helps, because I know that I am not the only one suffering from that.’(214)


Clarity and understandability of the booklet

‘Easy to read.’(84)


Understanding of pain not being dangerous

‘That the feeling of pain isn’t dangerous.’ (9)


Gives data on the role of imaging

‘Principles of imaging.’(233)


Strengthening of self-efficacy

‘By my own action, it is possible to have an influence on back healthiness.’ (19)


What elements of the booklet were useful for LBP management?


Encourages for exercise/physical activity

‘Knowledge, that moving is remedy, so it is beneficial to move and seemingly it doesn’t matter if it increases the pain for a moment.’(126)


Advice in general

‘Short, simple advice.’(34)


Self-care advice

‘What I can do myself to improve my situation.’(240)


Which factors facilitated your ability to read or pay attention to the information in the booklet during the appointment?


Support of practitioner

‘The examinations made by the doctor and discussion as well as previous information I already have got.’(44)


Clarity and understandability of the booklet

‘The chart was clear and the use of bold text drew attention to important topics.’(242)


Reading the booklet at home with time

‘I got the booklet home with me.’ (7)


Own interest/experience of LBP

‘A brief booklet describing what lower back pain is and this is a topic that extensively interests me.’(81)


  1. Thematic analyzing method is used to create the themes from patients’ open answers for each question. There is one direct quote from each theme