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Table 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study (factors of patient adherence in long term therapies)

From: Understanding patients’ experience living with diabetes type 2 and effective disease management: a qualitative study following a mobile health intervention in Bangladesh

Socio-economic and political factors

 - Social factor: norms, regulation, social network, support

 - Political and social unrest

Health system related factors

 - Health policy and strategy

 - Health facility/institution

 - Financial support (user fee, insurance)

 - Medication supplies

 - Accessibility

 - Affordability (cost)

 - Availability

 - Quality of care

Patient related factors

 - Socio-economic status: age, sex, marital status, SES

 - Literacy

 - Employment

 - Living conditions

 - Transportation means

 - Psychological aspects: locus of control, self-efficacy

 - Knowledge, believes, perception, practices about diseases and illnesses

 - Motivation and attitude towards therapy

 - Expectation of the patient

 - Peer pressure

 - Stress, depression

 - Patient readiness to change, accept diagnosis, and treatment regimen

Provider related factors

 - Provider satisfaction

 - Lack of financial and other incentives

Patient-provider relationship factors

 - Information exchanged regarding diseases and treatment

 - Health education

 - Patient/provider satisfaction

 - Patient-provider relationship

 - Communication

 - Trust

Therapy related factors

 - Complexity of treatment

 - Route of administration

 - Duration of the treatment

 - Failure of previous treatment

 - Diabetic medication (oral, insulin, and/or combined)

 - Cost

 - Medication other than anti-diabetic

 - Side effects of medication

 - Frequent medication change

 - Previous treatment failure

 - Degree of behavioral change required

Disease related factors

 - Duration

 - Stage

 - Complication

 - Presence of comorbid condition