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Table 5 Guidelines for care of preterm, LBW, and sick newborns: challenges and facilitators to provider use

From: Health system readiness to support facilities for care of preterm, low birth weight, and sick newborns in Ethiopia: a qualitative assessment



Lack of adequate dissemination; often disseminated to individuals rather than facility units; providers removed guidelines from facility for personal use

Fast dissemination; suggest using schools for dissemination; dissemination to facility units; leaflets and flyers as distribution materials

Lack of updated guidelines

Timely updates: publication and via internet

Guidelines did not match well to professional specialty or skill level

Complex cases require guidelines for treatment; Guidelines promotes adherence

Lack of staff knowledge, which may also have manifested as resistance to policies

Performance monitoring and feedback to staff not using guidelines

Lack of supplies, equipment, and infrastructure renders guidelines unusable

Equipment provision for the delivery of care

Lack of periodic professional training

Ongoing training, including in-service

Staff “too busy” to follow manuals; work overload


Lack of relevance to community needs especially at lower-level health facilities