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Table 1 The 16 questions for thinking through an implementation problem by application of Normalization Process Theory

From: An evaluation of the implementation of cascade training for suicide prevention during the ‘Choose Life’ initiative in Scotland - utilizing Normalization Process Theory


Cognitive participation

Collective Action

Reflexive Monitoring

Participants distinguish the intervention from current ways of working

Key individuals drive the intervention forward

Participants perform the task required by the intervention

Participants access information about the effects of the intervention

Participants collectively agree about the purpose of the intervention

Participants agree that the intervention should be part of their work

Participants maintain their trust in each other’s work and expertise through the intervention

Participants collectively assess the intervention as worthwhile

Participants individually understand what the intervention requires of them

Participants buy into the intervention

The work of the intervention is appropriately allocated to Participants

Participants individually assess the intervention as worthwhile

Participants construct the potential value of the intervention for their work.

Participants continue to support the intervention

The intervention is adequately supported by its host organization

Participants modify their work in response to their appraisal of the intervention