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Table 4 Level of awareness of mental health disorders by education and socio-economic status in Narail district in Bangladesh

From: An assessment of awareness of mental health conditions and its association with socio-demographic characteristics: a cross-sectional study in a rural district in Bangladesh

Mental Health Conditions

Awareness (heard of)


Socio-economic condition

Primary (0–5), n = 1619

Secondary, n = 326

SSC or HSC, n = 385

Degree or equivalent, n = 96

*p-value for trend

In sufficient funds for at least some of the time, n = 1147

Balance, n = 1037

Sufficient funds most of the time, n = 242

*p-value for trend

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


Common MHCs


17 (1.1)

25 (7.6)

94 (24.4)

70 (72.9)

< 0.001

33 (2.9)

141 (13.6)

32 (13.3)

< 0.001


11 (0.7)

30 (9.2)

63 (16.4)

47 (49.1)

< 0.001

28 (2.4)

102 (9.8)

21 (8.8)

< 0.001

Drug addiction

485 (30.2)

123 (37.6)

320 (83.3)

90 (93.8)

< 0.001

381 (33.2)

478 (46.1)

159 (66.3)

< 0.001

Awareness of any MHCs

487 (30.1)

126 (38.5)

326 (84.7)

91 (94.8)

< 0.001

383 (33.4)

485 (46.8)

162 (67.5)

< 0.001

Severe MHCs


14 (0.9)

12 (3.7)

27 (7.0)

32 (33.3)

< 0.001

15 (1.3)

48 (4.6)

22 (9.2)

< 0.001


314 (19.4)

60 (18.3)

211 (58.4)

77 (80.2)

< 0.001

234 (20.4)

313 (30.2)

115 (47.9)

< 0.001

Bipolar disorder

18 (1.1)

8 (2.4)

30 (7.8)

23 (24.2)

< 0.001

23 (2.0)

31 (3.0)

25 (10.4)

< 0.001

Awareness of any MHCs

317 (19.6)

67 (20.5)

216 (56.1)

82 (85.4)

< 0.001

240 (20.9)

323 (31.1)

119 (49.6)

< 0.001

Mental Health Conditions

Awareness (heard of)


Student, n = 45

Housewives, n = 978

Land owner, n = 217

Labourers, n = 282

Business, n = 218

Government / non-government employee, n = 137

Retired or unable to work, n = 535


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


Common MHCs


17 (37.8)c

51 (5.3)a

13 (6.0)a

9 (3.0)a

29 (13.1)b

60 (43.8)d

27 (5.0)a

< 0.001


12 (26.7)b

44 (4.5)a

11 (5.1)a

10 (3.4)a

20 (9.0)a

40 (29.2)C

14 (2.6)a

< 0.001

Drug addiction

31 (68.9)d

395 (40.7)b

114 (52.5)c

106 (35.7)b

138 (62.2)c

106 (77.4)d

128 (23.8)a

< 0.001

Awareness of any MHCs

31 (68.9)c

398 (41.0)b

115 (53.0)b

106 (35.7)b

139 (62.6)c

111 (81.0)d

130 (24.2)a

< 0.001

Severe MHCs


3 (6.7)a

24 (2.5)a

4 (1.8)a

5 (1.7)a

10 (4.5)a

28 (20.4)b

11 (2.0)a

< 0.001


21 (46.7)d

264 (27.2)b

71 (32.7)c

65 (21.9)b

83 (37.4)c

84 (61.3)d

74 (13.8)a

< 0.001

Bipolar disorder

4 (8.9)b

27 (2.8)a

8 (3.7)a

2 (0.7)a

8 (3.6)a

21 (15.3)b

9 (1.7)a

< 0.001

Awareness of any MHCs

21 (46.7)c

269 (27.7)b

73 (33.6)b

66 (22.2)a

87 (39.2)c

89 (65.0)d

77 (14.3)a

< 0.001

  1. Same symbol means there is no significant difference between the occupation and different symbol means significant difference
  2. **indicates Fisher’s exact test was used to report p values for multiple pairwise comparisons
  3. *p-value for trend indicates linear-by-linear association between awareness and underlying ordinal variables (education, socio-economic conditions)