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Table 4 Patients ‘diabetes Status

From: Awareness of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy among a group of diabetic patients in main public hospitals in Damascus, Syria during the Syrian crisis

Part 2: Patients ‘diabetes Status

Diabetic duration

10.67 ± (7.103) year


Age of onset

43.70 ± (11.952) year


n (%)

n (%)

DM type

Type 1: 20 (7.7%)

Type 2: 239 (92.3%)

How did you know that you have DM?

 Diabetic symptoms like polydipsia and polyurea

164 (63.1%)

 After psychological stress

44 (16.9%)

 Regular checkup

38 (14.6%)


8 (3.1%)

 After pregnancy

4 (1.7%)

What type of diabetic medication you take?

 One type of medication


125 (52.4%)

 Two type medications


74 (30.9%)

 Insulin injections


29 (12.1%)



11 (4.6%)

Are you on diet for diabetes?

Yes, 142 (54.6)

No, 118 (45.4)

How do you assess your diabetic control?

not controlled

90 (34.6)

moderately controlled

91 (35)


79 (30.4)

Based on what did you assess your diabetic control?

glucose measurement and doctor assessment

140 (53.9)

symptoms’ relief and subjective sense.

116 (44.6)