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Table 1 Data source and summary of data extracted

From: Linking observational data from general practice, hospital admissions and diabetes clinic databases: can it be used to predict hospital admission?

Data Source and Date Range of Data

Data extracted

General Practice (GP) 01/01/07 to 31/03/14

Demographic characteristics (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity), risk factors (e.g. smoking, alcohol consumption, blood pressure), consultation information including Medicare Item Numbers, medical history (e.g. diagnoses), pathology results and prescriptions of all patients with a record at the practice regardless of a diagnosis of any type of diabetes.

Diabetes Clinic (DC) 01/01/07 to 31/03/14

Demographic characteristics, visit dates, who the patient saw (e.g. diabetes educator, endocrinologist), groups attended and pathology results for all patients with diabetes including T2DM, Type-1 Diabetes (T1DM) and Gestational Diabetes (GDM) who visited the Diabetes Clinic.

Fairfield Hospital (FH)

01/01/2009 to 31/03/14

Demographic characteristics, referral source, admission and discharge dates, readmissions, primary and up to 25 additional diagnoses, principal procedure, separations and transfers for all patients with any diabetes related diagnosis with an admission to Fairfield Hospital.