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Table 2 Quality of primary care as experienced by frail older persons in the intervention and control groups over time (T0 and T1) based on paired data

From: Quality of primary care delivery and productive interactions among community-living frail older persons and their general practitioners and practice nurses


Intervention group n = 149b

Control group n = 144c

Item characteristics of the PACIC-Sa





Given choices on treatment to think about

2.25 (1.36)

2.89 (1.56)***

2.11 (1.39)

2.99 (1.73)***

Satisfied that my care was well organized

4.22 (1.11)

4.52 (0.93)**

4.17 (1.25)

4.52 (1.04)**

Helped to set specific goals to improve my eating or exercise

1.74 (1.09)

2.57 (1.49)***

1.52 (0.99)

2.27 (1.51)***

Given a copy of my treatment plan

1.44 (1.08)

1.36 (0.75)

1.35 (0.94)

1.49 (1.11)

Encouraged to go to a specific group/class to help me cope with my (chronic) illness

1.28 (0.76)

1.70 (0.76)***

1.20 (0.63)

1.56 (1.04)**

Asked questions about my health habits

1.98 (1.30)

2.34 (1.34)**

1.74 (1.26)

2.29 (1.48)***

Helped to make a treatment plan that I could do in my daily life

1.40 (0.89)

1.85 (1.03)***

1.38 (0.91)

1.66 (0.99)*

Helped to plan ahead so I could take care of my illness even in hard times

1.39 (0.85)

1.91 (1.11)***

1.41 (0.94)

1.66 (0.99)*

Asked how my (chronic) illness affects my life

1.53 (1.07)

1.79 (1.03)*

1.51 (1.11)

1.78 (1.15)*

Contacted after a visit of the GP, nurse or medical specialist to see how things were going

1.81 (1.27)

1.81 (1.18)

1.59 (1.14)

1.66 (1.13)

Told how my visits with other (healthcare) professionals helped my treatment

1.83 (1.29)

2.81 (1.47)***

1.62 (1.13)

2.73 (1.64)***

Mean overall score of the PACIC-Sa

 Perceived quality of primary care

1.90 (0.56)

2.32 (0.63)***

1.78 (0.54)

2.24 (0.70)***

  1. Values are presented as mean (SD, standard deviation)
  2. Paired sample t-tests. *p < 0.05 (two-tailed); **p < 0.01 (two-tailed); *** p < 0.001 (two-tailed)
  3. aPACIC-S, Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care Short version, range 1–5; b149 persons of the 182 older persons included in the intervention group at T1 completed both measurements (T0 and T1) for the PACIC-S, 0–1 missing per item of the PACIC-S; c144 persons of the 176 older persons included in the control group at T1 completed both measurements (T0 and T1) for the PACIC-S, 0–1 missing per item of the PACIC-S