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Table 1 Descriptions for the eight targeted charting requirements

From: The MOWER (middle of the week everyone gets a re-chart) pilot study: reducing in-hospital charting error with a multi-intervention

Charting Requirement

Further description

Chart Number

The number of the NIMC in the sequence of active NIMCs is written on the front of the chart

Patient Surname

Patient’s surname handwritten below the patient label

Prescriber Name

A prescriber name was printed and legible (on at least one of the records on the page) for regular medication orders

Dated and Signed

All regular medication orders were dated and signed

Generic REG

All regular (REG) medication orders used a generic medication name rather than a brand name. Brand name exceptions: Movicol, Oxycontin, Endone, Fleet Enema

Indication REG

An indication was recorded for some regular (REG) medications ie antibiotics, anticoagulants and steroids including eye drops and topical creams.

Indication PRN

An indication was recorded for all Pro Re Nata (PRN, as needed) medications

Max Dosage PRN

The maximum dose in 24 h was indicated for all PRN medications