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Table 5 Behaviour change taxonomies (BCTs) with their relating intervention functions and planned implementation strategy specific to the care bundle

From: Designing strategies to implement a blunt chest injury care bundle using the behaviour change wheel: a multi-site mixed methods study


Intervention Functions

Proposed implementation strategy

Barrier(s)/Facilitator(s) addressed (TDF domain)

Information about health consequences

Education, persuasion

Staff will be informed about the improvement in pneumonia rates reduction with the protocol from previous study

Belief of consequences of care bundle (Belief about consequences)

Understanding of evidence-informed interventions for patient with blunt chest injury (Knowledge)

Feedback on behaviour

Education, persuasion, incentivisation

Staff compliance will be monitored through audits and by clinical champions

Staff will be informed of the results informally via clinical champions and formally through email and newsletter correspondence

Belief of consequences of care bundle (Belief about consequences)

Understanding of evidence-informed interventions for patient with blunt chest injury (Knowledge)

Feedback on outcome(s) of behaviour

Education, incentivisation, training

Feedback will be given to staff on patients treated with the care bundle

Understanding of evidence-informed interventions for patient with blunt chest injury (Knowledge)

Belief of consequences of care bundle (Belief about consequences)

Emotions relating to commencing new protocol (Emotion)

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Confidence in patient assessment skills (Physical skills)

Information about others’ approval

Education, persuasion

Local staff will appear in the care bundle video showing support

Identify with professional role associated with care of blunt chest injury patients (Professional/ social role and identity)

Credible source


Senior local staff will appear in a video informing staff about the care bundle

Identify with professional role associated with care of blunt chest injury patients (Professional/ social role and identity)


Education, environmental restructuring

A visual prompt (screen icon) will be developed for the electronic medical record to flag to staff that patient is eligible for care bundle

Flyers will be put up around the workplace to remind staff of the care bundle

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Verbal persuasion about capability

Persuasion, enablement

Staff will be encouraged during educational sessions and by change champions that they are capable of following the care bundle

Emotions relating to commencing new protocol (Emotion)

Identification of self as role model

Persuasion, enablement

Staff will be asked to volunteer for the roles of change champions and to be in the video

Emotions relating to commencing new protocol (Emotion)

Identify with professional role associated with care of blunt chest injury patients (Professional/ social role and identity)


Incentivisation, enablement

Staff will appear in a video committing to the care bundle

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Demonstration of behaviour

Training, modelling

Staff will receive demonstrations of behaviour in a video, in education sessions and at the bedside with the change champions

Confidence in patient assessment skills, Confidence in skills needed for evidence-informed management of blunt chest injury, Adequate skill in regional analgesia prescription and management (Physical skills)

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Identify with professional role associated with care of blunt chest injury patients (Professional/ social role and identity)

Emotions relating to commencing new protocol (Emotion)

Instruction on how to perform behaviour


Staff will receive instructions of behaviour in a video, in education sessions and at the bedside with the change champions

Confidence in patient assessment skills, Confidence in skills needed for evidence-informed management of blunt chest injury, Adequate skill in regional analgesia prescription and management (Physical skills)

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Habit formation


Staff will be encouraged to assess all potentially eligible patients systematically

Confidence in patient assessment skills, Confidence in skills needed for evidence-informed management of blunt chest injury, Adequate skill in regional analgesia prescription and management (Physical skills)

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Adding objects to the environment

Environmental restructuring, enablement

An icon will be added for the electronic medical record to flag to staff that patient is eligible for care bundle

A pager will be setup to be able to contact staff responding to the care bundle

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Access to protocol (Environmental context and resources)

Emotions relating to commencing new protocol (Emotion)

Restructuring the physical environment

Environmental restructuring, enablement

Equipment necessary for the care bundle will be placed in a location that ensures ease of access

Equipment will be adequately labelled with instructions

Additional equipment will be supplied to ensure adequate supply

The protocol will be tested by staff to ensure ease of use

Remembering to use protocol (Memory, attention, and decision processes)

Access to protocol, the protocol design, Access to equipment (Environmental context and resources)

Emotions relating to commencing new protocol (Emotion)

Social Support


Change champions will be chosen from each area who will receive extra training to be able to provide extra support

Social supports (Social influences)

  1. Education: increasing knowledge or understanding, Persuasion: using communication to induce positive or negative feelings or stimulate action, Incentivisation: creating an expectation of reward, Training: imparting skills, Environmental restructuring: changing the physical or social context, Modelling: providing an example to aspire to, Enablement: increasing means/reducing barriers