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Table 1 Selected recommendations from NICE Public Health Guidance 26 (2010)

From: What helped and hindered implementation of an intervention package to reduce smoking in pregnancy: process evaluation guided by normalization process theory

NICE (2010) Recommendations


Description - topic and staff expected to implement


Identifying pregnant women who smoke and referring them to *NHS Stop Smoking Services – action for midwives

• Assess the woman’s exposure to tobacco smoke through discussion and use of a CO test

• Refer all women who smoke, or have stopped smoking within the last 2 weeks, to *NHS Stop Smoking Services


Contacting referrals - *NHS Stop Smoking Services


Initial and ongoing support - *NHS Stop Smoking Services


Meeting the needs of disadvantaged pregnant women who smoke - *NHS Stop Smoking Services


Training to deliver interventions - Commissioners of NHS Stop Smoking Services, Maternity services, Professional bodies and organisations, NHS Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, Other providers of smoking cessation training which meets the national standard.

  1. *Also refers to other publicly funded, free to access, stop smoking services that offer help to quit and operate to the same standard i.e. are evidence-based