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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide providing questions and associated prompts

From: Caregivers’ experiences of a home support program after the hospital discharge of an older family member: a qualitative analysis

Question No

Question Text

Additional prompts


Please tell me how you have cared for your relative since he/she left hospital?

Providing for physical and/or emotional needs; speaking up for him/her; changes in caregiving role from before the admission?


What sorts of things help to support you to provide this care?

Information; equipment; contact with GP, practice nurse, hospital staff; community services (which ones?); social support through friends clubs, church; care plans; how accessed – organised by hospital or other, or did you have to seek out yourself


Is there anything that makes it harder to keep caregiving?

Physical load, isolation, fatigue; other?


Overall, how does being a caregiver make you feel?



Please tell me about your contact with the FECH nurse?

Convenience, easy or hard to talk to; enough contact; appropriateness of telephone?


And how did you find the resources suggested by the FECH nurse?

Did you access these? If so, how helpful were they? And why? If not, why not?