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Table 2 Description of the context dimensions

From: Context matters in implementation science: a scoping review of determinant frameworks that describe contextual determinants for implementation outcomes

Context dimension


Micro level of health care


Patients’ preferences, expectancies, attitudes, knowledge, needs and resources that can influence implementation

Meso level of health care

 Organizational culture and climate

Shared visions, norms, values, assumptions and expectations in an organization that can influence implementation (i.e. organizational culture) and surface perceptions and attitudes concerning the observable, surface-level aspects of culture (i.e. climate).

 Organizational readiness to change

Influences on implementation related to an organization’s tension, commitment or preparation to implement change, the presence of a receptive or absorptive context for change, the organization’s prioritization of implementing change, the organization’s efficacy or ability to implement change, practicality and the organization’s flexibility and innovativeness

 Organizational support

Various forms of support that can influence implementation, including administration, planning and organization of work, availability of staff, staff workload, staff training, material resources, information and decision-support systems, consultant support and structures for learning

 Organizational structures

Influences on implementation related to structural characteristics of the organization in which implementation occurs, including size, complexity, specialization, differentiation and decentralization of the organization

Macro level of health care

 Wider environment

Exogeneous influences on implementation in health care organizations, including policies, guidelines, research findings, evidence, regulation, legislation, mandates, directives, recommendations, political stability, public reporting, benchmarking and organizational networks

Multiple levels of health care

 Social relations and support

Influences on implementation related to interpersonal processes, including communication, collaboration and learning in groups, teams and networks, visions, conformity, identity and norms in groups, opinion of colleagues, homophily and alienation

 Financial resources

Funding, reimbursement, incentives, rewards, costs and other economic factors that can influence implementation


Influences on implementation related to formal and informal leaders, including managers, key individuals, change agents, opinion leaders, champions, etc.

 Time availability

Time restrictions that can influence implementation


Evaluation, assessment and various forms of mechanisms that can monitor and feed back results concerning the implementation, which can influence implementation

 Physical environment

Features of the physical environment that can influence implementation, e.g. equipment, facilities and supies