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Table 1 Basic information and use of maternal health services among participants, Sichuan province, western China, 2014

From: Use of maternal health services among women in the ethnic rural areas of western China


Mean ± SD or % (No.)

Participant SES

 Age (years)

28.83 ± 6.41

 Junior or higher education level,%

11.71 (89)

 Yi minority,%

79.73 (606)

 First parity,%

24.47 (186)

 Farmer or housewife,%

92.50 (703)

 Fixed asset,%

89.47 (680)

Perceived quality of hospital care

 Ability of THCa, yes%

71.18 (541)

 Equipment of THC, good%

44.08 (335)

 Techniques of THC, good%

46.45 (353)

 Doctors in THC, good%

54.21 (412)

 Sanitation of THC, good%

51.45 (391)

 Ability of CH b, yes%

93.03 (707)

 Equipment of CH, good%

43.03 (327)

 Techniques of CH, good%

43.55 (331)

 Doctors in CH, good%

42.24 (321)

 Sanitation of CH, good%

44.74 (340)

Knowledge score b

4.68 ± 2.32

Travel time from home to the nearest hospital, > 1 h

14.61 (111)

Maternal health service use

 Antenatal care rate,%

68.94 (524)

 Hospital delivery rate,%

48.29 (367)

 Postpartum visit rate,%

28.42 (216)

  1. a, township health center; b, county hospital; c, knowledge score on maternal care