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Table 4 Perceived Challenges in the Management of PODs

From: Reuse of patients’ own drugs in hospitals in Ghana; the evidence to support policy


Strongly agree

N (%)


N (%)


N (%)


N (%)

Strongly disagree

N (%)



Patient having different brands of the same medicines

62 (51)

37 (31)

4 (3)

17 (14)

1 (1.00)

Inadequate time for PODs assessment at the ward

21 (17)

57 (47)

19 (16)

19 (16)


2 (1.00)

Lack of POD Policy in the hospital

28 (23)

54 (45)

33 (27)

6 (5)

2 (1.00)

Inadequate skills for staff for the assessment of PODs in in-patients

10 (8)

45 (37)

10 (8)

32 (26)

24 (20)

3 (2.00)

It must be a shared responsibility amongst the pharmacy staff

41 (34)

58 (48)

12 (10)

10 (8)

2 (1.00)

Patients feel they should always be given new medicines

19 (16)

50 (41)

21 (17)

30 (25)

2 (2.00)

Illegible instructions on label

44 (36)

50 (41)

20 (17)

7 (6)

2 (1.00)

Difficulty in examining the expiry dates of PODs without original packages.

44 (36)

57 (47)

8 (7)

12 (10)

2 (1.00)

Inadequate staff to assess PODs of all in-patients

40 (33)

36 (30)

20 (17)

25 (21)

2 (2.00)

The illiteracy level of in-patients/carers

43 (36)

32 (26)

25 (21)

17 (14)


2 (2.00)

Inadequate education/ counselling to patients to bring their PODs when coming to the hospital

45 (37)

53 (44)

11 (9)

12 (10)

2 (1.00)