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Table 1 Overview of the national Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

From: How do pharmacists in English general practices identify their impact? An exploratory qualitative study of measurement problems

Numerical KPIs

 • Number of patient appointments with: General practitioner (GP), Practice Nurse, Clinical Pharmacist, Health Care Assistant/Advanced Nurse Practitioner

 • Impact on the percentage of patients who met the achievement indicator within the relevant Quality and Outcomes Framework - QOF (increase in the average QOF score)

 • Increase in total number of medication reviews

 • Decrease in the percentage of medication reviews undertaken by GPs

 • Increase in the total number of patients supported to develop care and support plans, including self-management

 • The rate of Accident & Emergency (A&E) attendances per 1000 patients on GP register

 • Rate of emergency hospital admissions for selected long-term conditions as a proportion of patients per GP practice

 • Reduction in the number of patients attending ≥15 appointments with a GP over the previous 2 years by age group (0–9, 10–19, 20–39, 40–59, 60–69, 70–89, 90+)

 • Reduction in antibiotic prescribing rate (versus national rate per STARPU - Specific Therapeutic Group Age-sex weightings Related Prescribing Units - a weighting system that takes into account the types of people receiving treatment within a specific therapeutic group in order to compare drug use between National Health Service organisations and practices)

 • Reduction in prescribing rate of anti-psychotic medications for patients with dementia or learning disabilities

Survey-based KPIs

 • Patient satisfaction survey (patient experience)

 • GP survey (impact on workload, time, utilisation, job satisfaction)