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Table 1 Summary of study design and processes

From: Are health facilities well equipped to provide basic quality childbirth services under the free maternal health policy? Findings from rural Northern Ghana

Study design

Methods & numbers

Research instruments

Respondents and processes

Quantitative (Additional files 1 and 2)

Facility survey (14 facilities)

Checklist for availability of basic amenities, equipment, drugs and supplies for childbirth

•Midwives and nurses

•Survey conducted in same facilities where structured questionnaire were carried out among women

Survey (353 women who gave birth in health facilities only)

•Structured Questionnaire developed based on literature and in English

•Women who gave birth only in facilities were interviewed

•Questions were translated into local dialects (Kasem and Nankam) and back, for validity

•Women were recruited after discharge from facilities

•Questionnaire piloted with women before actual administration

•Interviews took 30–45 min

Qualitative (Additional files 3 and 4)

Focus Groups Discussions (FGDs = 10)

•Interview guide: semi-structured open-ended questions with probes

•Same category of women who gave birth in facilities

•Guide developed in English and translated into two local dialects (Kasem and Nankam)

•Groups of 5–12 women

•Language experts carried out front and back translation of the guide to ensure accuracy

•Discussions took place in facilities without providers presence

•Piloted with women

•Discussions recorded with permission


•Continuous update of guide with issues emerging from discussions


•Took about 45–120 min for each discussion

In-depth Interviews (IDIs = 25)

•Interview guide: semi-structured open-ended questions with probes

•Midwives and nurses

•Developed in English, but not translated; all providers spoke and understood English

•Interviews took place in private rooms in facilities

•Piloted with providers

•Interviews recorded with permission


•Continuous update of guide with issues emerging from interviews


•Took about 45–120 min for an interview