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Table 3 Multilevel regression analyses and the degree of adherence to WAC core components

From: Determinants of adherence to wrap-around care in child and family services


Adherence to components

Activating family and the social network#

Integrating care provider network##

Assessing, planning and evaluating the care process###

Crude a

Adjusted b

Crude a

Adjusted b

Crude a

Adjusted b

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

Organisation of WAC (team-based = ref)

.16 (−.00;.32)

.18 (0.1;.37)*

.16 (−.01;.33)

.17 (−.00;.34)

.25 (.09;.40)**

.25 (.09;.42)**

Relevance for families

.15 (−.01;.31)

.03 (−1.14;.20)

.23 (.07;.40)**

.13 (−.04;.29)

.21 (.05;.37)*

.10 (−.06;.26)

Procedural clarity

.27 (.10;.44)**

.12 (−.07;.32)

.31 (.17;.48)***

.18 (−.01;.37)

.08 (.03;.13)**

14 (−.05;.33)


.25 (.09;.89)**

.27 (.04;.50)*

.29 (.14;.45)***

.27 (.05;.50)*

.27 (.11;.43)***

.30 (.08;.52)**

Social support

.14 (−.02;.30)

−.10 (−.33;.12)

.22 (.06;.38)**

−.02 (−.24;.21)

.20 (.04;.35)**

−.02 (−.24;.20)


.22 (.06;.38)**

.14 (−.02;.31)

.14 (−.02;.30)

.04 (−.11;.20)

.13 (−.03;.29)

.04 (−.12;.20)

Available time and practical support

.18 (.01;.35)*

.05 (−.15;.25)

.14 (−.03;.30)

−.07 (−.27;.13)

.12 (−.05;.29)

−.06 (−.25;.13)

Satisfaction WAC

−.04 (−.21;.12)

−.00 (−.17;.17)

−.06 (−.23;.10)

−.04 (−.21;.12)

−.10 (−.28;.06)

−.06 (−.23;.09)


.06 (−.10;.23)

.03 (−.14;.20)

.17 (−.24;2.38)

.12 (−.05;.28)

.15 (−.02;.30)

.12 (−.02;.31)

  1. # τ2 = .69 ##τ2 = 3.21 ###τ2 = 1.33. a β represents the β of the univariate multilevel regression analysis with organization as level, adherence to WAC as outcome, the determinant as independent variable. b β represents the β of the multivariate multilevel regression analysis with organization as level and adherence to WAC as outcome, the determinant as independent variables and all other determinants in the model as co-variates. *p < .05** p < .01 ***p < .001