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Table 5 Compliance with national standards for ‘satisfactory’ and ‘commendable’ levels of patient medicines helpline promotion

From: Operating a patient medicines helpline: a survey study exploring current practice in England using the RE-AIM evaluation framework

National standards: Helpline promotion

Percentage of NHS Trusts meeting each standarda

‘Satisfactory’ Standards

The helpline is promoted at all of the healthcare organisation’s sites.

59% (64/109)

Promotional materials identify access times and types of enquiries patients/carers can make.

40% (44/109)

The helpline is promoted to discharged inpatients by methods agreed with patients locally.

6% (6/100)

Total compliance with promotion ‘satisfactory’ standards.

3% (3/100)

‘Commendable’ Standards

The helpline is also promoted to outpatients.

84% (91/108)

Additional promotional methods are used, such as patient leaflets and the NHS Trust websiteb.

42% (46/109)

Total compliance with promotion ‘commendable’ standards.

40% (43/108)

Total compliance with both ‘satisfactory’ and ‘commendable’ promotion standards

2% (2/99)

  1. Note. Although 117 of 226 acute, mental health, specialist, and community NHS Trusts reported providing a patient medicines helpline, not all NHS Trusts answered every survey question
  2. aNumbers in parentheses show the actual numbers of NHS Trusts that met the standard, out of the total number of Trusts which answered the survey question pertaining to the standard
  3. bEighty-two Trusts reported that their helpline was promoted using leaflets or business cards that are given to patients (75%). Forty-two Trusts reported that their helpline was advertised on the Trust website (38%). Forty Trusts reported that their helpline was promoted on medicines labels or on medicines bag labels (37%). Thirty-six Trusts reported that their helpline was promoted on the patient’s discharge summary (33%). Thirty Trusts reported that their helpline was promoted using posters in clinical areas (27%). Twenty-two Trusts reported that staff routinely tell patients about the helpline (20%). The median number of promotional methods used was two. The maximum number of promotional methods used by a single Trust was seven