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Table 4 Compliance with national standards for ‘satisfactory’ and ‘commendable’ levels of patient medicines helpline availability

From: Operating a patient medicines helpline: a survey study exploring current practice in England using the RE-AIM evaluation framework

National standards: Helpline availability

Percentage of NHS Trusts meeting each standarda

‘Satisfactory’ Standards

The helpline is available five days per week.

96% (103/107)

The helpline is accessible to patients/carers for minimum of four hours per day.

86% (92/107)

Total compliance with availability ‘satisfactory’ standards.

86% (92/107)

‘Commendable’ Standards

The helpline is available for eight hours or more per day.

57% (61/107)

The helpline is available for extended hours (i.e., evenings, weekendsb).

7% (7/107)

Total compliance with availability ‘commendable’ standards.

5% (5/107)

Total compliance with both ‘satisfactory’ and ‘commendable’ availability standards

5% (5/107)

  1. Note. Although 117 of 226 acute, mental health, specialist, and community NHS Trusts reported providing a patient medicines helpline, not all NHS Trusts answered every survey question
  2. aNumbers in parentheses show the actual numbers of NHS Trusts that met the standard, out of the total number of Trusts which answered the survey question pertaining to the standard
  3. bThree of 107 (3%) helpline services were reported as being available in the evenings; five of 107 (5%) helpline services were reported as being available at weekends (and operate seven days per week)