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Table 3 JEN Frailty Index Identification of Concurrent ADL Dependencies with Gender and Age Controls, 2004 NLTCS Community Sample (n = 12,752)Footnote

The AUC indicates the discrimination of the prediction model; the Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2 is a measure of the fit of data to the model, or calibration (higher p-values of the statistic indicating better calibration); the Brier score and pseudo-R2 assess overall performance (Brier scores range from 0 to 1, lower scores indicating better performance).

From: Validation of the JEN frailty index in the National Long-Term Care Survey community population: identifying functionally impaired older adults from claims data

Multivariable Models


Log Odds [Wald 95% c.i.]

Area under ROC Curve [95% c.i.]

Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2 (p)

Brier Score [pseudo-R2]

≥3 ADL Dependencies (n = 1276)


1.105 [1.097, 1.113]

0.807 [0.795, 0.820]

5.110 [d.f. = 8] (0.746)

0.076 [0.240]


0.632 [0.550, 0.725]

 JFI Score

1.403 [1.359, 1.448]

≥2 ADL Dependencies (n = 1752)


1.110 [1.103, 1.118]

0.812 [0.801, 0.822]

5.997 [d.f. = 8] (0.648)

0.096 [0.274]


0.633 [0.561, 0.715]

 JFI Score

1.423 [1.382, 1.464]