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Table 2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: Follow-Up Support for Effective type 1 Diabetes self-management (The FUSED Model): A systematic review and meta-ethnography of the barriers, facilitators and recommendations for sustaining self-management skills after attending a structured education programme


 • Papers reporting qualitative data that captures the experiences of adults with T1DM after attending a SEP teaching FIIT, and that includes data relevant to understanding the barriers and facilitators to sustaining self-management skills following the SEP

 • Published after 1978.


 • Papers that present quantitative data only.

 • Papers that are not explicitly about T1DM (e.g. papers where participants may have type 1 OR type 2, or papers which focus on other long term conditions).

 • Papers presenting data about SEPS that are not based on FIIT.

 • Citations with results only published as conference abstracts

 • Published in languages other than English