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Table 6 Examples of drug therapy problems in the medical ward of DRH, March 01 to May 31, 2014

From: A prospective observational study of drug therapy problems in medical ward of a referral hospital in northeast Ethiopia

Type of DTP


Needs additional drug therapy

ACEI was not prescribed for AHA stage C, CHF with no contraindication to the medication.

Propranolol or nadolol was not prescribed for the patient with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension to prevent variceal bleeding.

Unnecessary drug therapy

Dextrometrophan was prescribed for community acquired pneumonia.

Ceftriaxone was prescribed with fluconazole to treat cryptococcal meningitis.

Dosage too low

Spiranolactone 50 mg PO once daily was prescribed to treat ascites instead of 100-400 mg per day.

Ceftriaxone 1 g IV BID was prescribed to treat meningitis instead of 2 g BID.


Hypotension was developed due to furosemide 20 mg IV BID and spiranolactone 25 mg PO once daily.


The patient preferred not to take enalapril which was prescribed to treat CHF.

Dosage too high

Digoxin 0.25 mg PO once daily was prescribed with Clarithromycin PO BID and then the patient developed cardiac arrhythmia.

Ineffective drug therapy

Atenolol was prescribed to treat AHA stage C, CHF.

  1. Abbreviations: PO orally, IV intravenous, BID twice a day, TID three times a day, AHA American heart association, CHF chronic heart failure