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Table 2 Waiting period definitions

From: Evaluating quality of care for patients with rotator cuff disorders

Waiting period


Waiting for ambulatory care

Number of hours spent in the waiting room of a hospital before receiving physician care

Waiting for primary care

Number of days between date of request for an initial assessment and date of the primary care visit

Waiting for initial surgical consultation

Number of days between date of referral and date of consultation by an orthopaedic surgeon

Waiting for diagnostic imaging

Number of days between the requisite date for a test and date of examination

Waiting for surgery

Number of days between decision to treat surgically and date of surgery

Total waiting time (Group 1)

Aggregate number of days spent waiting for primary care to initial surgical consultation

Total waiting time (Group 2)

Aggregate number of days spent waiting for primary care to surgery

  1. Group 1: patients that did not require immediate surgical management and were treated conservatively with a non-operative rehabilitation program. Group 2: patients who had confirmed surgical dates or had already received surgery