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Table 4 Local programme theories of HNA and care planning

From: Protocol for a longitudinal mixed methods realist evaluation of holistic needs assessment and care planning for people affected by cancer

1. As part of routine care, a Clinical Nurse Specialist or specialist nurse in cancer in a hospital Out Patient setting conducts an HNA with people at the end of active treatment for colorectal cancer

2. As part of an additional ‘after treatment service’ a non-health professional in a community setting offers/invites patients with breast cancer to attend an appointment for an HNA 8 weeks after the completion of active treatment

3.As part of routine care a practice nurse in a GP Surgery, offers /invites patients with any cancer to attend an appointment for an HNA to all patients within 6 months of receiving a diagnosis of cancer.

4. As part of an additional ‘after treatment service’ a GP invites patients with any cancer to attend an appointment for an HNA at the end of active treatment, with a non-health professional Macmillan Information and Support Officer in a community setting

5. As part of an additional ‘after treatment service’ a non health professional offers/invites patients with any cancer at any stage of their cancer journey to attend an appointment for an HNA in a community setting

6. If as part of an additional ‘after treatment service’ a Clinical Nurse Specialist or specialist nurse offers/invites patients with any cancer at any stage of their cancer journey to attend an appointment with a non health professional for an HNA in a community setting