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Table 3 Fixed attributes used in DCE and rationale for inclusion

From: A novel design process for selection of attributes for inclusion in discrete choice experiments: case study exploring variation in clinical decision-making about thrombolysis in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke


Rationale for inclusion

Fixed level

Rationale for level

Blood glucose level

Variable levels may result in diagnostic uncertainty

6 mmol/L

Average blood glucose level based on SITS data of treated patients

CT scan text description

To avoid skill/subjectivity around interpretation of scans

CT scan was conducted and is consistent with ischaemic stroke; it shows no haemorrhage or new ischaemic changes

Decided not to include image due to potential variability in CT image interpretation skill and subjectivity; difficulty finding scans to match multitude of various patient characteristics. Text description deemed most appropriate to remove diagnostic uncertainty

To ensure confirmation of diagnosis of acute ischaemic stroke

Anticoagulation status

While it was deemed an influential attribute, only minority of stroke patients take an anticoagulant and therefore it was not included as variable attribute

patient is not on anticoagulation therapy

To avoid any issues surrounding INR levels that could complicate the decision to offer thrombolysis

Bleeding risk / recent surgery

Only relevant for a minority of patients. Challenging to operationalise variable and comparable levels in vignettes

no recent history of major bleeding



Not ranked as important in vignettes

no history of diabetes


Included as fixed attribute for clinical validity

Patient consent/ family assent


assume either patient consent of family assent is available for treatment


Other / Comorbidities


there are no other attributes which would deter treatment

Due to difficulty defining fully and generating comparable and feasible levels of comorbidities. Potential overlap with pre-stroke cognitive and pre-stroke dependency status

Fixed attributes included post-pilot testing (Stage 4)

Handedness of patient


“All patients are right-handed”

To clarify and ensure the deficits will be interpreted consistently across all level of stroke severity (NIHSS)

Licenced dose bolus preparation time


“can be prepared for administration within 5 min”

Pilot testing revealed that participants would attribute in variable times in their decision-making so stating this will help control this potential error