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Table 1 Process evaluation procedures mapped to measures, outcomes and Behaviour Change Techniques

From: Understanding the implementation and efficacy of a home-based strength and balance fall prevention intervention in people aged 50 years or over with vision impairment: a process evaluation protocol




Data Type


aBehaviour Change Techniques (Intervention Function)


Program Adherence (Fidelity)

How well did the O&M Specialists deliver the v-LiFE program to participants?

• A trained observer will observe 1–2 participant sessions with each instructor using a checklist, while making comments (20% of all v-LiFE program participants).


Higher scores indicate well delivered v-LiFE programs

Feedback on behaviour (Education/Persuasion/Coercion); Credible source (Persuasion); Instruction on how to perform the behaviour (Training); Problem solving (Enablement)


Analysis of observer’s comments using the BCW as a framework


Complete Delivery (Dose delivered)

To what extent were all of the intended components of the v-LiFE program delivered to participants?

• O&M Specialists to record each time they complete a session, booster session, additional sessions and/or phone calls.


Higher scores indicate participants received a higher program dose

Self-monitoring of behaviour (Education/Incentivisation); Monitoring of behaviour by others without evidence of feedback (Coercion); Prompt/cues (Education)


Participant Receipt (Dose received)

To what extent were participants engaged/satisfied with the v-LiFE program?

• Semi-structured interview (30 participants).


Analysis of transcripts using the BCW as a framework

Information about health consequences, self-monitoring of behaviour (Education); Monitoring of behaviour by others without evidence of feedback (Coercion)

• Short answer survey (all participants).


Higher scores on the AFRIS indicate higher engagement to v-LiFE


Participant Enactment

To what extent were the participants completing the prescribed activities?

• The Self-Report Habit Index (post-program)


Higher scores on the Index indicate stronger habit formation

Self-monitoring of behaviour (Education/Incentivisation/Coercion); Feedback on behaviour (Education/Incentivisation/Coercion); Monitoring of outcome of behaviour by others without evidence of feedback (Incentivisation/Coercion

  1. a Michie et al. [13], BCW: Behaviour Change Wheel. AFRIS: Attitudes to Falls-Related Interventions Scale