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Table 2 Focus-group discussion schedule

From: Exploring perceptions of common practices immediately following burn injuries in rural communities of Bangladesh

Areas of discussion

Types of prompts used

Perception of burn injuries and primary first aid in the community.

General views of burn injuries in rural communities,

Common causes of burn in the community.

Ideas about immediate care (first aid) following a burn injury.

Where the community obtain the information about what they need to do for treating a burn injury, (the source of information)

Community practices immediately after a burn injury occurs.

What are the practices in the community immediately after a burn injury occurs?

What treatment(s) is (are) applied to a burn patient?

Where do rural communities go if any complications arise from the burn injury?

From whom do rural communities usually seek health care?

What are the challenges faced by rural communities to offer first aid and ensure appropriate referral of the patient?