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Table 2 Full text exclusion and relevance criteria

From: Achieving successful community engagement: a rapid realist review



 Does the paper focus on CE as the main subject area or as an important aspect of a wider programme? Papers only tangentially describing CE were excluded


 Does the CE intervention, described involve citizens or communities on the macro or meso-level? Papers concerned only with micro-level CE interventions were excluded (e.g. individual social participation)


 Does the paper focus on CE as the main subject area or as an important aspect of a wider programme? Papers only tangentially describing CE were excluded


 Does the CE intervention operate on Rowe & Frewer [26] ‘Public Participation’ level? Papers concerned with interventions solely based on the ‘Public Communication’ or ‘Public Consultation’ levels were excluded




 Does the paper describe contextual details? OR


 Does the paper describe mechanisms? OR


 Does the paper describe CE strategies, processes implemented? OR


 Does the paper describe CE models, theories applied? OR


 Does the paper describe the engagement of disadvantaged/vulnerable groups? OR


 Does the paper discuss health and wellbeing outcomes of CE intervention? OR


 Does the paper describe CE as way of developing intersectoral approaches/new models of collaborative care?