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Table 1 description of explanatory variables

From: Porous safety net: catastrophic health expenditure and its determinants among insured households in Togo



Illness and treatment

Type of illness

Variable with several modalities

1. Respiratory/pneumonia illnesses; 2. Malaria/fever; 3. Skin disease; 4. TB; 5. HIV/AIDS; 6. Diabetes; 7. Diarrhoea;

8. Intestinal worms; 9. Infections and injuries, 10. Cancer;

11. Hypertension; 12. Sickle Cell; 99. Others

Having a family member with a chronic illness

Binary variable = 1 if a household member has any of the following diseases: Hypertension, Diabetes, Cardiac disorders, Arthritis, HIV /AIDS, ulcers, Gout, Cancer, asthma, sinusitis, and Sickle Cell; 0 otherwise

A family member was hospitalized the last 12 months preceding survey

Binary variable = 1 if a family member was hospitalized the last 12 months preceding survey; 0 otherwise

Health System/community

Type of health facility used

Variable with several modalities

1.Self-medication, 2. Traditional healers 3. Reference hospitals

4. Dispensaries 5. District hospitals 6. Private health facilities

Distance to seek health care

The health facility used is it close to place of residence?

Binary variable = 1 if the health facility used is close to place of residence; 0 otherwise.

Characteristics of the household

Household size

Continuous quantitative variable

Age of head of household

Variable with 3 modalities

1. (18–49); 2. (50–60); 3. (60 and older)

Economic status of household

Income group

Income quintile

1. Lower 2 3 4 5. Higher