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Table 1 Disentangling the differences between traditional and PC hospitals

From: Evaluating organizational change in health care: the patient-centered hospital model


Functional hospital configuration

More recent innovations: converging patterns towards PC hospitals

Organizational model/ care delivery model

Functional/divisional model

Lean organization/process-oriented model

Organizational unit: patients’ care needs and the relationship among specialties

Specialty-based units. Practitioners (doctors and nurses) are grouped into semi-autonomous units depending on their specialty of belonging

Multi-specialty units. Units are aggregated in accordance with patients’ clinical and assistential needs. Doctors might treat patients located in different units and nurses might assist patients with different pathologies

Model of care

Functional nursing (nurses’ task-oriented job: each nurse is specialized in a single care activity)

Modular nursing (nurses are responsible for the overall assistential practices required by small groups of patients within the ward)

Use of resources

Separated resources (beds, operating rooms, equipment, nursing staff, other staff) devoted to the individual specialties

Resource pooling: resources are shared by all the functional specialties regrouped

Managerial roles

Head physicians in charge of their departments

Bed manager/case manager (as distinguished by the clinical activity) for centralized operation management

Physical environment

Hospitals are built around fixed and focused spaces, with often isolated wings

Newly built hospitals are designed to maximize resource pooling and patient grouping, flexibility and modularity of spaces