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Table 3 Voice of customer

From: Using total quality management approach to improve patient safety by preventing medication error incidences**

Voice of customer

CCRs (Critical Customer Requirements)

CTQs (Critical To Quality)


Physician’s writing on the doctor’s order form is difficult to read

Poor hand writing

Write orders legibly

Percentage of orders that are illegible is less than 15%

Nurses confuse between two drugs with similar names

Use Unapproved abbreviations

Write medication orders that can be accurately interpreted

Percentage of orders that contain “non-approved” abbreviations is less than 15%

Medication labels/packaging are damaged

Wrong drug

The Right Drug

Getting the Right Drug Every Time!

Medication is administered by a route that is different from the one ordered.

Wrong Route

The Right Route

Getting the Right Route Every Time!

Physician prescribes the wrong dose

Wrong dose

The Right Dose

Getting the Right Dose Every Time!

Nurse miscalculates the dose

Wrong dose error

The Right Dose

Getting the Right Dose Every Time!

A medication was given to the incorrect patient due to failure to properly identify patient or order.

wrong patient

Right patient

Getting the Right Patient Every Time!

The administration of a dose for more than 30 min before or after the scheduled time of administration in the absence of an acceptable reason.

Wrong time error

The Right Time

Getting the Right Time Every Time!