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Table 3 Relationship between healthcare organization accreditation standards and feasible standard of senior-friendly hospitals

From: Development of the Korean framework for senior-friendly hospitals: a Delphi study

Healthcare organization accreditation standard

Feasible standard of senior-friendly hospitals

2.1 [Required] There is a management system for quality improvement and patient safety at the organization level.

1.3.1 The healthcare organization has plans for quality improvement for Senior-Friendly Hospitals.

1.3.3 The healthcare organization supports resources needed for quality improvement and patient safety activities.

2.4 The healthcare organization plans and implements indicator management at the organization level.

1.3.4 The healthcare organization includes sex- and age-specific analysis in its measurements of quality, safety, and patient satisfaction whenever appropriate. These data are available to staff for evaluation.

1.3.6 The healthcare organization manages elderly patients’ satisfaction.

1.3.7 Results of the reported patient satisfaction is reported to the leadership and shared with the associated staff.

3.2.2 The healthcare organization identifies the health care needs of inpatients, and carries out initial assessments or reassessments of the patients.

2.1.1 The medical staff performs early initial assessment of patient’s needs for health promotion and disease prevention, including lifestyle, nutritional status, psycho-social-economic status, fall prevention, etc.

2.1.4 The assessment is documented in the patients’ record.

3.1.5 The healthcare organization provides discharge, transfer, and referral services to maintain care continuity.

2.3.1 A list of health and social care providers working in partnership with the healthcare organization is available.

2.3.4 There is a written plan for collaboration with partners to improve the patients’ continuity of care.

2.3.5 There is an agreed upon procedure for information exchange practices between organizations for all relevant patient information.

2.3.6 Patients (and their families as appropriate) are given understandable follow-up instructions at out-patient consultation, referral, or discharge.

2.3.7 The receiving organization is given in a timely manner a written summary of the patient’s condition and health needs, and interventions provided by the referring organization.

4.1.1 The healthcare organization establishes and carries out care plans and goals in a timely manner to maintain appropriate patient care.

2.2.2 Doctors re-establish care planning according to major changes in the patients’ conditions.

2.2.3 The intervention and expected results are documented and evaluated in the records.

2.2.5 Information given to the patient (and caregiver) is recorded in the patient’s record.

2.2.7 Diagnostic investigations and procedures should accommodate age-related changes, tolerance, and ability.

3.1.4 The healthcare organization provides adequate information and involves the older persons and their families at all stages of care.

4.2.2 The healthcare organization provides high-quality medical care to patients who require cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

2.4.1 The healthcare organization has processes to solicit and follow patients’ advance directives that address care planning issues beyond “Do Not Resuscitate” orders.

7.1.2 The healthcare organization protects the rights and safety of vulnerable patients.

1.1.1 The healthcare organization has policies and procedures for Senior-Friendly Hospitals.

1.1.2 The healthcare organization develops a written age-friendly policy that values and promotes older persons’ health, dignity, and participation in care.

2.4.2 The healthcare organization has processes to deal with elder abuse issues when they are suspected or identified.

3.1.1 The healthcare organization staff speaks to older persons in a respectful manner using understandable language and words.

8.1 The leadership carries out reasonable decision-making and operates the healthcare organization under a systematic plan.

1.1.3 The healthcare organization’s current quality and business plans identify age-friendliness as one of the priority issues.

1.2.1 The healthcare organization identifies a budget for age-friendly services and materials.

9.2 The healthcare organization provides continuous education and training to the staff.

1.2.5 All clinical staff who provide care to older persons receive basic training in core competences of elder care.

11.1 The healthcare organization carries out safety management of the facility and environment.

4.1.3 The facilities are equipped with good lighting, non-slip floor surfaces, stable furniture, and clear walkways.

4.1.4 The toilet and bathing facilities and heads of the healthcare organization beds are equipped with an emergency alarm system.

4.1.5 The healthcare organization has barrier-free washrooms equipped with basic washing facilities.

4.1.6 There are hand railings on both sides of hallways.

4.1.7 Bed heights are appropriate for older persons.