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Table 2 Framing and prioritizing the research question

From: Moving towards a more inclusive patient and public involvement in health research paradigm: the incorporation of a trauma-informed intersectional analysis

Questions for the research team (i.e. Researchers and Public Research Partners)

1. What is the research problem we will be looking at?

  ➢ How did we decide upon this research problem?

  ➢ Did we involve people/families/communities with lived experience of this health issue in prioritizing this research problem?

  ➢ Is there anyone we have not involved who should be?

2. What assumptions (e.g. beliefs about what causes the health issue we are researching and which population(s) is/are most affected) do you think underlie the representation of this health issue we will be looking at?

  ➢ Who do you think is involved in framing and defining the health issue in that way?

  ➢ Why do you think they frame the health issue that way?

  ➢ Do you think that the way people look at the health issue has changed over time (i.e. historically), or is different depending on where they live (i.e. geographically)?