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Table 1 The center of excellence establishment protocol

From: Centers of excellence in healthcare institutions: what they are and how to assemble them

Stage 1: vision and validation

When considering the establishment of a center of excellence, conduct a series of initial assessments to conceptualize the offering and ascertain feasibility

  a. Appoint an interdisciplinary committee charged with envisioning the prospective center of excellence

  b. Assess the availability of foundational requirements for success by verifying the sufficiency of financial resources, organizational culture, and leadership support

  c. Craft working mission and vision statements for the prospective center of excellence

  d. Conduct a feasibility study to assess community need, determine services to be featured, estimate patient volume, and ascertain the financial viability of the proposed center

Stage 2: design and development

With conceptualization completed and feasibility verified, prepare detailed plans which address each component of the center of excellence

  a. Organization design

   i. Prepare a comprehensive organizational chart which depicts positions and associated reporting relationships required for comprehensive, single-site treatment of targeted medical conditions

   ii. Devise shared governance mechanisms and processes to ensure transparency and accountability

  b. Servicescape design

   i. Aided by field trips to peer centers, insights from internal and external experts, and accounts in publications, design a service environment customized to address the needs of patients facing the medical conditions targeted by the proposed center

   ii. Determine the assets to be housed within the given center, the anticipated patient volume, the accommodations required by staff members, and the associated spatial requirements necessary to deliver the entire continuum of care within the servicescape

   iii. Identify an appropriate site to house the center of excellence and work with architects, engineers, designers, and other professionals to prepare formal plans

  c. Personnel

   i. Determine staffing requirements and the specific qualifications (e.g., credentials, skills, experience) needed to fulfill the center’s mission

   ii. Formulate an associated recruitment plan to acquire highly qualified personnel

  d. Medical care

   i. Formulate plans to ensure that servicescape and workforce assets are carefully integrated via the organization design to yield outstanding medical care and attention

   ii. Incorporate organizational learning principles to facilitate best practices, continuous improvement, and innovation

   iii. Envision which areas outside of the center’s command and control patients likely will encounter so that relationships can be formed to facilitate the delivery of excellence across the entire patient experience

  e. Marketing

   i. Select the center’s brand name, design brand elements (e.g., logos, slogans), and formulate an associated marketing communications plan and, ideally, a center-specific marketing plan

   ii. Envision potential opportunities to cross-sell services to patients

  f. Finance

   i. Investigate opportunities to maximize efficiencies and bolster reimbursements and work to incorporate these into clinical and administrative processes to enhance revenue

   ii. Ensure that synergies between and among the distinguishing features of the center are maximized to afford enhanced financial performance

Stage 3: completion and commercialization

On approval of design and development plans, the center of excellence moves from the blueprint stage to construction and then launch, concluding the establishment protocol