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Table 1 Roles and demographic characteristics of policymakers and stakeholders

From: Perspectives of policy-makers and stakeholders about health care waste management in community-based care in South Africa: a qualitative study

Post of the official

Role in the community

Total number of participants

Range of years of service of participants

Ward councillors

These are policy makers who are employed by the government at the municipality level. They are community representatives who provide leadership and guidance to the community and facilitate communication between the community and the government at the municipality level.



Area cleansing officers

These are stakeholders and are government employees at the municipal level. They supervise waste management contractors, inspect communities to ensure that waste is collected and they oversee garbage bag distribution within the communities.



CBO managers

These are stakeholders who manage non-profit organisations that provide community-based care programmes in the communities.



Education officers

They are stakeholders who are employed by the government at the municipal level. They develop and facilitate education programmes on waste management in the communities.

