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Table 2 Scales and sample items included in estimated structural model

From: A structural model of treatment program and individual counselor leadership in innovation transfer



Mean (SD)

Transformational Leadership (Edwards, Knight, Broome, & Flynn, 2010)


37.9 (7.4)

 Encourages Innovation (4 items; α = .87):


39.1 (7.7)

  o Program director positively acknowleges creative solutions to problems.


  o Program director encourages ideas other than own.

 Inspirational Motivation (6 items; α = .91):


38.7 (7.4)

  o Program director displays enthusiasm about pursuing program goals.


  o Program director expresses confidence in staff members’ collective ability to reach program goals.

 Develops Others (4 items; α = .88):


36.5 (8.6)

  o Program director offers individual learning opportunities to staff members for professional growth.


  o Program director takes into account individual abilities when teaching staff members.

 Task Delegation (9 items; α = .94):


37.4 (7.8)

  o Program director follows delegation of a task with support and encouragement.


  o Program director allocates adequate resources to see tasks are completed.

Organizational Climate (Lehman, Greener, & Simpson, 2002)


33.6 (5.5)

 Clarity of Mission (5 items; α = .73):


35.0 (6.5)

  o Duties clearly related to the goals of this program.


  o This program operates with clear goals and objectives.

 Staff Cohesiveness (6 items; α = .88):


36.2 (8.2)

  o Staff here all get along very well.


  o Staff here are always quick to help one another when needed.

 Staff Autonomy (5 items; α = .56):


35.2 (5.1)

  o Management here fully trusts your professional judgment.


  o Counselors here are given broad authority in treating their own clients.

 Communication (5 items; α = .81):


33.5 (7.3)

  o Program staff are always kept well informed.


  o Formal and informal communication channels here work very well.

 Stress (4 items; α = .81):


32.6 (8.4)

  o You are under too many pressures to do your job effectively.


  o The heavy workload here reduces program effectiveness.

 Openness to Change (5 items; α = .72):


34.3 (6.2)

  o It is easy to change procedures here to meet new conditions.


  o You are encouraged here to try new and different techniques.

Staff Attributes (Lehman, Greener, & Simpson, 2002)


 Efficacy (5 items; α = .68):


40.8 (4.9)

  o You have skills needed to conduct effective group counseling.


  o You are effective and confident in doing your job.

Influence (6 items; α = .80):


 Willingness and ability of a counselor to influence co-workers


37.5 (6.9)

  o Staff generally regard you as a valuable source of information.


  o You are viewed as a leader by other staff here.

Adaptability (4 items; α = .65):


 Staff ability to adapt to a changing environment


40.2 (5.2)

  o Learning and using new procedures are easy for you.


  o You are able to adapt quickly when you have to shift focus.

Counseling Innovation Interest (CII; 9 items; α = .85):


3.51 (.65)

 • You read about new techniques and treatment information each month.


 • You regularly read professional journal articles or books on drug abuse treatment.

 • You do a good job of regularly updating and improving your skills.

 • When you attend workshops, how often do you try out the new interventions or techniques learned?

 • In recent years, how often have you adopted (for regular use) new counseling interventions?

 • You like to use new types of therapy/interventions to help your clients.

 • You are willing to try new types of therapy/interventions even if you have to follow a treatment manual.

 • You would try a new therapy/intervention even if it were very different from what you are used to doing.

 • You are willing to use new and different types of therapy/interventions developed by researchers.