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Table 3 Perceived importance of factors for trial participation by condition

From: Clinical trials from the patient perspective: survey in an online patient community


ALS (N=160)

Diabetes Type II (N=158)

Epilepsy (N=131)

Fibromyalgia (N=241)

MS (N=343)

MDD (N=91)

PD (N=319)

RA (N=125)

SLE (N=53)

All Completers (N=1,621)

Opportunity to improve health of others

156 (98%)

156 (99%)

126 (96%)

237 (98%)

340 (99%)

90 (99%)

315 (99%)

123 (98%)

50 (94%)

1,593 (98%)

Opportunity to improve own health

151a (94%)

158a (100%)

125 (95%)

239 (99%)

339 (99%)

90 (99%)

309 (97%)

122 (98%)

53 (100%)

1,586 (98%)

Reputation of institution and staff

154 (96%)

154 (97%)

124 (95%)

238 (99%)

336 (98%)

86 (95%)

311 (97%)

123 (98%)

52 (98%)

1,578 (97%)

Covering medical bills in case of study related injury

144a (90%)

152 (96%)

127 (97%)

237a (98%)

328 (96%)

86 (95%)

303 (95%)

122 (98%)

52 (98%)

1,551 (96%)

Receiving results after trial

143abc (89%)

153 (97%)

120d (92%)

237a (98%)

331b (97%)

87 (96%)

303 (95%)

125cd (100%)

52 (98%)

1,551 (96%)

Side effect of new treatment

133abcde (83%)

150a (95%)

120 (92%)

228b (95%)

328c (96%)

87 (96%)

303d (95%)

120e (96%)

52 (98%)

1,521 (94%)

Open label extension

150 (94%)

151 (96%)

115a (88%)

233a (97%)

319 (93%)

85 (93%)

302 (95%)

114 (91%)

49 (92%)

1,518 (94%)

Potential negative impact on health

128abcdefg (80%)

143 (91%)

123a (94%)

222b (92%)

325c (95%)

86d (95%)

298e (93%)

121f (97%)

50g (94%)

1,496 (92%)

Distance to travel to trial sites

134ab (84%)

141 (89%)

120 (92%)

233ac (97%)

311 (91%)

90bd (99%)

285cd (89%)

113 (90%)

48 (91%)

1,475 (91%)

Friendliness of staff

128ab (80%)

145a (92%)

107c (82%)

229bcd (95%)

304 (89%)

76d (84%)

281 (88%)

110 (88%)

48 (91%)

1,428 (88%)

Frequency and time spent on clinical visits

132 (83%)

143 (91%)

111 (85%)

216 (90%)

302 (88%)

85 (93%)

286 (90%)

102 (82%)

48 (91%)

1,425 (88%)

Physician's recommendations

126 (79%)

141 (89%)

119 (91%)

192 (80%)

294 (86%)

72 (79%)

277 (87%)

113 (90%)

44 (83%)

1,378 (85%)

Privacy and confidentiality

91abcdefgh (57%)

137a (87%)

114b (87%)

215ci (89%)

277d (81%)

75e (82%)

247fi (77%)

104g (83%)

49h (92%)

1,309 (81%)

Keeping current doctor during trial

103abcde (64%)

126 (80%)

110a (84%)

191b (79%)

281c (82%)

65 (71%)

248d (78%)

109e (87%)

43 (81%)

1,276 (79%)

Possibility of getting placebo

95 (59%)

103 (65%)

87 (66%)

157 (65%)

235 (69%)

52 (57%)

188 (59%)

91 (73%)

38 (72%)

1,046 (64%)

Payment to participate

30abcdefg (19%)

95a (60%)

83bhi (63%)

128c (53%)

148dhj (43%)

47ek (52%)

100ijklm (32%)

72fl (58%)

31gm (58%)

734 (45%)

  1. Note: % endorsing “Somewhat” and “Very important”. Significant pairwise difference between classes were tested by the Fisher’s test with bootstrap adjusted p-values for pairwise comparisons (p < .05), denoted by the same alphabetic superscript in each row