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Table 2 Methods of handling use of multiple concurrent anti-hypertensive medications when measuring adherence in hypertension literature

From: Measuring medication adherence in patients with incident hypertension: a retrospective cohort study


Method of handling concurrent medications

Method considers adherence to any medication versus adherence to each medication

CMG [24–26]

Sum of the total number of gap days (days the patient did not possess the medication) for each anti-hypertensive medication divided by the sum of the total number of days the patient was prescribed each anti-hypertensive medication [24, 26]


Calculate and report CMG for each anti-hypertensive medication class [26]


Calculate CMG for each anti-hypertensive medication class, then take the mean CMG for each patient [25]


CSA [25]

Calculate CSA for each anti-hypertensive medication class, then take the mean CSA for each patient [25]


MPR [13, 25, 27–35] [39]

Exclude patients not on monotherapy [28]


Method of handling polytherapy not reported [33]


Calculate and report for each class of anti-hypertensive medication [27, 30]


Take the single medication with the maximum number of days supply over one year period and use this single medication for the MPR estimate for the patient [35]


Calculate MPR for each anti-hypertensive mediation class, then take the lowest MPR (for the medication with lowest adherence) as the MPR estimate for each patient [34, 39]


Calculate MPR for each anti-hypertensive medication class, then take the mean MPR for each patient [25, 29, 32, 34]


Include all days where at least one anti-hypertensive medication was available in the numerator of the ratio of number of days with medication to days in study period [13]


Calculate numerator for MPR by taking sum of all days supply of all anti-hypertensive medications prescribed as the numerator [40]


Include only days where all anti-hypertensive medications of interest were available [31]


PDC [36, 37]

Include all days where at least one anti-hypertensive medication was available in the numerator of the ratio of number of days with medication to days in study period [36, 37]


MedsIndex [33]

Method of handling polytherapy not reported [33]


  1. Abbreviations: CMG Continuous multiple-interval gap, CSA Continuous single-interval medication availability, MPR Medication possession ratio, PDC proportion of days covered, N/A Not applicable