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Table 1 The 18-item questionnaire for attitudes toward depression and its treatments

From: Usefulness of an educational lecture focusing on improvement in public awareness of and attitudes toward depression and its treatments


Attitudes toward Depression

1. 恐い病気である

1. Fear : Depression is fearful disease

2. うつ病についてあまり知らない

2. Lack of knowledge : I do not have enough knowledge of depression

3. 性格的に弱い人がうつ病になる

3. Weakness : Weak people suffer from depression

4. 自分がうつ病になったら恥ずかしい

4. Shame : Suffering from depression is shameful

5. うつ病になると周りに迷惑を掛ける

5. Burden to others : Suffering from depression may bother others

6. うつ病人は苦しい現実から逃げている

6. Escaping from reality : Depression is an escape from reality

7. 自分はうつ病にかかった時に自覚できる

7. Overconfidence in self-awareness : I can be fully aware of my depressive state

8. うつ病は気持ちようで克服できる

8. Self-manageable disease : I can get over depression by myself


Attitudes toward treatments

1. ためらわずに誰かに助けを求めますか?

1. Help-seeking :Do you ask for someone’s help without hesitation?

2. 家族に相談しますか?

2. Consulting with family :Do you consult with your family?

3. かかりつけ医を受診しますか?

3. Visiting general practitioners : Do you go to see a general practitioner?

4. 精神科を受診しますか?

4. Visiting Psychiatrists :Do you go to see a psychiatrist?

5. できればカウンセリングだけで治したいですか?

5. Over-expectation from counseling Will you get over depression only by counseling?

6. 抗うつ薬はなるべく服用したくないですか?

6. Reluctance to medication : Are you reluctant to take antidepressants?

7. 薬がやめられないではと心配になりますか?

7. Concern for drug dependence : Are you afraid of drug dependence?

8. すぐによくならないと薬を止めてしまいますか?

8. Adherence to acute medication : Can you wait for slow-onset of drug effects?

9. よくなったら、すぐに抗うつ薬を止めますか?

9. Necessity of maintenance therapy : Will you stop medication soon after getting well?


10. Approaches to depressed others : Do you believe that encouragement will help a depressed person?